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University of Kentucky faculty issue no

TIME:2024-06-03 17:35:28 Source: Internet compilationEdit:world

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — The University of Kentucky senate has issued a vote of no confidence in Presid

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — The University of Kentucky senate has issued a vote of no confidence in President Eli Capilouto, but the school’s Board of Trustees issued a statement afterward saying it “unequivocally supports” him.

The faculty entity took the symbolic vote on Monday after the Board of Trustees decided last month to change the role of the senate from one that makes policy to one that advises, news outlets reported. The resolution says the revisions call into question Capilouto’s ability to lead and it “advises the board to redo the process of shared governance reforms.”

The vote doesn’t necessarily result in action, but is symbolic of the faculty’s lack of trust in leadership.

UK Board of Trustees Chair E. Britt Brockman said the board directed Capilouto to examine the school’s regulations with a focus on more responsiveness.